
Terms and conditions


1. Applicability

These General Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) apply to all rental agreements concluded by BeerBikeTours with lessees and concerning beer bikes mentioned in these GTC, unless expressly agreed otherwise. By payment of the deposit and/or total amount, the hirer declares himself to be in full agreement with the Rental Agreement, the Driver's Declaration and the General Conditions.

2. Definitions

For the purposes of these GTC, the following definitions shall apply :

1) Landlord: BeerBikeTours
2) Renter: the natural or legal person who rents the beer bike from the lessor on the basis of a rental agreement for specified periods of time.
3) The beer bike means all goods made available for hire by the lessor, as well as all related accessories and means of transport used.

3. Rental period

That beer bike is rented for a specified period of at least 2 hours. The rental period commences on the rental date, as soon as the rented beer bike leaves the lessor's warehouse and ends at the time when the rented beer bike returns to that warehouse .The effective riding time by the lessee with the beer bike corresponds to the number of hours previously discussed and paid for by the lessee to the lessor.

4. Rates

The tenant is deemed to know and agree to the rental rates charged by the landlord. The tenant must pay the rental fee in full before the rental period, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

5. Deposit

For smooth cooperation, we ask you to pay a deposit of 200EUR in cash when delivering the beer bike. When collecting the beer bike, our staff will inspect the bike. If no damage is found, the full deposit will be returned to you in cash. Unless intentional or non-intentional damage to the rented beer bike is found as described in ART. 13. of these GTC or otherwise material or immaterial damage has been caused to the lessor.

6. Cancellation

If the tenant has placed a reservation with the landlord and subsequently wishes to cancel this reservation, the landlord will claim the total deposit in the 2 months before the reserved rental date. For cancellations more than 2 months before the rental date, no cancellation fee will be charged.

7. Legitimation requirement

Before entering into the rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may require the tenant to identify himself by showing the landlord one or more legally valid identification documents.

8. Use

The lessee shall use the beer bike only for the purpose for which it is manufactured. The lessee shall treat the beer bike with due care and attention and shall also ensure appropriate and safe storage. The lessee must at all times allow a person authorised by the lessor free access to buildings, yards or other places where the rented beer bike is located in order to inspect its condition.

9. Transport

The lessor transports the beer bike from the warehouse to the agreed place and comes back to collect it at the end of the rental period.

10. Operation

10.a The lessee declares that he is satisfied that the beer bike will be delivered to him in good condition from the lessor's warehouse. By entering into the rental agreement, the lessee declares to be familiar with the operation of the beer bike and acknowledges that the beer bike rented by him meets the purpose for which he is renting the beer bike.

10.b Should a malfunction occur in or on the rented beer bike during the rental period, the lessee must immediately report this to the renter. The lessee is not allowed to remedy malfunctions and/or make repairs to the rented beer bike, unless expressly agreed in writing between the parties. If malfunctions or defects in or to the rented beer bike are not reported to the lessor immediately or at all, the lessee is fully liable for all damage resulting therefrom .

11. Default and damages

11.a If the hirer fails to collect the hired goods in time at the agreed time of commencement of the hire period, this shall be entirely for his own account and risk. The rental price is at all times due over the written agreed rental period.

11.b The beer bike must be returned by the lessee to the place agreed in writing no later than the date and time at which the agreed rental period ends, unless otherwise agreed in writing. If the lessee has not returned the rented beer bike by that date, for whatever reason, as well as in the event of damage to the beer bike, for whatever reason, the lessee shall thereby be in default without any reminder or notice of default being required. In such a case the lessee shall, without prejudice to his other obligations towards the lessor, owe the lessor compensation for damages. In the event of late return, this compensation shall amount to EUR 25 per quarter-hour from the second quarter-hour by which the agreed hire period is exceeded. In the event of damage to the beer tandem, the renter must pay the costs of repairing the damage as compensation, as well as the rental price per day for each day involved in the repair, plus 50% of the rental price.

11.c If, as a result of late return by the Tenant and/or as a result of damage to the Beer Bicycle, the Landlord should suffer a higher amount of damage than the amount of compensation that would be payable by the Tenant under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, 10.b, of this Article, the Landlord shall have the right to claim this higher amount of compensation from the Tenant as well.

11.d If the lessor arrives late at the lessee's starting point due to any reason ( traffic, accident, other groups being late,...) the lessee cannot ask for compensation. The agreed duration of the rental period naturally remains the same for the lessee.

12. Duty to report

In the event of theft or loss of, or damage to, the beer bike, the lessee is obliged to immediately report this to the lessor. The renter shall also, in the event of theft or loss or in the event of damage caused by acts of war, immediately report this to the police in the municipality where the theft or the act of war took place and immediately send a copy of the report to the lessor. If the lessee fails to comply with the obligations mentioned in this article, he shall be obliged to compensate the lessor for all damage resulting from the aforementioned events.

13. Damage

13.a All damage caused to the beer bike during the rental period, regardless of the cause or circumstance, shall be the responsibility of the renter if and to the extent that compensation for such damage is not covered by any insurance taken out by the renter. These rates are set out in paragraph 13.d

13.b The renter is not allowed to attach items to the rented beer-cycle by means of nails, staples, screws or in any other way. If the lessee fails to comply with the aforementioned prohibition and consequently causes damage, the lessee shall be obliged to pay compensation for the parts that have been damaged by the lessee by violating this prohibition.

13.c The renter is not allowed to have the rented beer bike towed by any other vehicle. If the lessee fails to comply with the aforementioned prohibition and consequently causes damage, the lessee shall be obliged to pay compensation for the parts damaged by the lessee by violating this prohibition.


Damage                              Cost                         Damage                                    Cost

Saddle                                 €16/piece                      Faucet                                 €175

Light/spotlight                          €12.5/piece                   Handle tap                    €35

Roof                                    €150/corner                   Drip tray                                     €65

Pedal                                €7/piece                        Advertising signs                       €85/panel

Stair set                             €8/crank                      Drankton                                 €270(voll)

Radio                                 €120                           Lid                                     €65

Box                                    €180                           Drankton rebuffed                   €65

Tailgate                         €80                             Other damage                         by means of specifications


14. Insurance

The lessee is liable for damage to the rented beer bike, which had not been detected at the start of the rental period, as well as for damage to the lessor as a result of loss and/or theft during the rental period.

15. Legal Liability

The use of the beer bike is entirely at the risk and expense of the renter. The lessee must ensure that the rented beer bike is driven by a driver who has signed a driver's declaration drawn up by the lessor. The minimum age of the driver of the rented beer bike is 18 years. This driver is a road user and must therefore comply with the Road Traffic Act. The driver is liable for damage caused by his/her careless actions.

16. Landlord's right of refusal

The landlord has the right at all times not to enter into a rental agreement or to unilaterally cancel it without giving reasons.

17. Use by third parties

The renter is not allowed to rent or loan the rented beer bike to third parties, whether or not for a fee.

18. Sabam, bilicious fee, et al.

All costs relating to Sabam, Bilijke vergoeding, etc. arising from the hirer's playing of music, either mechanically or live, in public or private places, as well as from the recording of that music on audio carriers, whereby this playing and/or recording takes place by means of a beer bicycle made available by the lessor, shall be entirely for the account of the hirer, who furthermore indemnifies the lessor against any possible claims in this respect by Sabam, Bilijke vergoeding, etc.

Reusable cups

Upon delivery of the Beer Bikes, 25 reusable cups will be provided for drinking from. Upon returning the bike, the cups will be counted,
If not all cups are returned or present a Fine of 1€/cup will be charged.


20. Noise pollution

Fines given during your rental (noise nuisance) are the responsibility of the beer bike renter.